Tuesday, October 18, 2005

High Road

George Steinbrenner takes a lot of criticism from fans, players, his staff, and other owners. However, I can't fault a guy who is obsessed with winning and will spend the money necessary to achieve that goal. As a fan, what more could you want from an owner? Of course, when the Yankees fail to win the World Series, the year is considered a failure.

Mel Stottlemyre, the Yankees pitching coach for the past 10 years, has decided not to return next season. Primarily, his cites the tension between Steinbrenner and his staff for the not returning, even taking shots at The Boss. Instead of engaging in banter through the media, Steinbrenner chose the high road and praised his former employee:
Mel Stottlemyre will always be a Yankee. When I purchased the ballclub more than 30 years ago, he was one of the team's true stars and leaders, and during his 10 seasons as pitching coach, we won six American League pennants and four world championships.

While it is no secret that I can be a very difficult boss, Mel has always conducted himself as a professional and a gentleman. I wish he and [his wife], Jean, much success and happiness in the future.

Whether you hate him or love him, you must admire the class.

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