Thursday, May 19, 2005

Gender Equality?

How can you not laugh at the following?

I'd like someone to give me door-to-door chauffeur service, bring me presents, and pay for my dinner and entertainment, all for the possibility of sex, but with no obligation whatsoever. Let's be honest; if we did this, we'd be in jail for fraud.

Sometimes, it's just not fair.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

She Has a New Home

My bicycle fleet was reduced to three today as the Bridgestone RB-3 found a new home. Serve the cute blonde well in her triathlon endeavors, my faithful riding companion.

Watch out, downtown Austin. I'm now armed with additional beer money.

Monday, May 16, 2005

So I'm a Geek

While sitting at a coffee shop, I noticed the clumps of inflated balloons above me. Instead of wondering what the occasion is, I determined the ratio of deflated vs. inflated balloons. Then guessing at the half-life of inflated balloons, I worked out how long the balloons have been there. You just can't remove the geek from the boy.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

I Need a Fallback Job

For years, I've joked that I could always become a bicycle messenger if this whole computer thing didn't work out. The ubiquity of broadband has now made my fallback job not so realistic. This article cites statistics that every major city has seen a decline in the number of bicycle messengers.

Let's see ... I can boil water. Perhaps I could apply for a chef's position at The Boiling Pot.